Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Kitchen adventures

Hi from across the world!

In light of all the wahala currently happening in America, I thought I'd take this time to try and lighten the mood. Today's entertainment includes bits and pieces of my adventures in the kitchen here, or what I like to call it: wife training. Even half way around the world I know you are all still very much concerned for my future husband. No worries, the jury is still out on this one.

Don't laugh... but this is really the first time in my life that I'm having to do anything in the kitchen that requires any actual skill. And don't mistake that statement as me having acquired said skill yet. I'm still a work in progress. BUT, I have made lots of things from scratch which has been, well, interesting. There was that time that I almost burned off all my arm hair lighting my gas oven, but you'll be happy to know I've since mastered that one! Basically, everything I eat is made from scratch. I'm just impressed I haven't starved yet (don't worry, that was a joke Mom & Dad). My time here has taught me that salt, pepper, and garlic make everything taste better, but don't tell anyone my secret! Actually, the real secret is to find friends that will feed you a few nights a week (joking again....but not really). What I meant to say is that it's important to find friends that you enjoy spending time with and if you happen to share a meal, then that's just an added bonus :-) I've also learned that I am just terrible at rationing food. Sadly, all of my American "food pleasures" are long gone, and I'm embarrassed to say how much I would pay for some Chick-fil-a right now. Two thumbs up for learning how to be self-sufficient here though!