Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Don't cry for me Argentina, the truth is I never left you

Wow. Where to start? Because I've been all over the place the past few weeks! I've taken 14 flights in the past month and a half. That has to be like a world record or something. I spent 2 weeks vacationing with my parents from the 5 month vacation I've been on since June. I live the hard life. We had a really great time, and luckily everything worked out while we were down there. A great end to a great 5 months. I'm now back in Jersey, getting accustomed to my normal slash will-never-be-as-exciting-as-my-South-American-life life at home. Back to the norm, I even got a welcome home, first snow of the year on Thanksgiving! It's kind of weird not talking to people in Spanish or joking around with Spanglish all the time like I'm used to. Missing BsAs, but very happy to be home! Pues, asi es la vida.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Argentina, nunca te voy a olvidar. NUNCA.

Otra vez no tengo palabras. Podría empezar a describir los últimos meses (Ha pasado 5 meses! No lo puedo creer!), pero no podría aguantarlo en este momento porque me pone muy triste. Tampoco no quiero irme de Argentina (pues en realidad, no quiero irme de suramérica), pero he tomado en cuenta que con el fin de cualquier cosa empieza otra cosa. Gracias a Dios por darme esa oportunidad porque nunca la voy a olvidar. Era la experiencia más increíble de mi vida y voy a extrañar mucho este país y todos que conocí acá (amigos, porteños, ISA, y especialmente mi mamá) como no creerías! Hay que aprovechar los últimos días!! Aquí está una lista de mis memorias favoritas.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

From the tropics to the tundra

COOLEST WEEK OF MY LIFE. I even sat in class for two days and I can still make that statement. So let me explain :-)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Bolivia = otro mundo. No joke.

Three things before I really go into detail about anything.

1. This past week has been almost indescribable. To the point where, I don't even know how to write about it in this blog. With this being said, I just want to thank God that I was able to have this experience in Bolivia because I will definitely NEVER EVER forget about it. With Him, nothing is impossible!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Time to pensar sobre todo, no?

So I've been down here for quite some time now, and now that I'm actually realizing that I am leaving in what seems like no time I've been thinking about how DRASTICALLY different and weird it will be to go home! So I've decided to write and tell you about how different (but cool!) Argentina and South America in general is from home.  To the left is a picture of me thinking about all of my pensamientos (but really just acting like a goof in the beautiful Japanese Gardens in BA!). And here's my wonderful list:

Friday, September 17, 2010

Life as a Porteña

Well, you'll be happy to know that I have survived midterms. Yay! Time for vacation yet? Haha before I get into my upcoming travels, I've opted to fill you in on a few things I've done lately (and some relatively old experiences that I mistakenly forgot to share antes!).

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Menos que dos meses? AHHH

Woah! I don't know how or when it happened, but amidst me figuring out my travel plans yesterday for my time remaining here I was nonchalantly counting the number of weeks I have left in Buenos Aires. How many? NOT ENOUGH. Only 8 weeks remain (not counting my 2 week vacation from vacation after the fact!) of my time here in Argentina. It is loco how fast time flies!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Lots of updates are coming soon! But for now, check out the youtube page I just created! There's only a few videos up as of now, but I have tons to upload that I will get around to doing soon. Click here!

Shout out to everyone at home!! Only about 2 more months until I see you all :-)

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Ahh I can't believe it is September already! Where does my life go? And where does my money go for that matter? Oh yea, I've been traveling all over the place :-)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Asunción, Paraguay

Although it feels like we went last weekend, it's actually been more than a week since going to Paraguay! It still makes me laugh this trip because it was just completely random, strange, unsafe at times, and very funny. There is really no other way to describe it without starting to laugh :-)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

It's the middle of July and my semester just started. Wait, what?

First off, my apologies for SLACKING with this blog. Still no internet in casa, BUT it is coming soon. For real this time though! So once that happens I will have more time to fill all of you in on my crazy adventures.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Nearing the end in Chile

Ok, so after my thrilling adventure riding a horse, I was very happy to have my 2 feet on the ground; although I had the best time EVER that day!!!

Our original plans were to go back to BA the next day (Friday), but none of us wanted to leave without having time to spend in Vina Del Mar.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Spring break in July continued....

Ok, so I believe I left off after our first day in Valpo.

The next day (Thursday) was our most exciting adventure! While we were in Mendoza and we were researching things to do in Chile, we just so happened to stumble upon this website advertising horseback riding in sand dunes in Chile. We immediately said, "Por que no?" (why not?) without even really looking further into it. Literally, our thought process was: wow, those pictures look cool, it's cheap, let's do it. Little did we know that this day would turn out to be a once in a lifetime experience! Job well done!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Spring break in July!

Where oh where to begin?? I'll start off by saying that last week was one of the coolest weeks ever!!!

Last Saturday night (the 24th) we left from BA to head to Mendoza. For those of you who don't know (which I'm assuming is a lot), Mendoza is one of the provinces in western Argentina. Mendoza is also a city in the center of this region. We were headed to the city (which I later found out did not exactly have the appearance of a city, but that is besides the point). We were on the bus overnight, and surprisingly it wasn't too bad. It was only a 13 hour trip. That's nothing right?

Saturday, July 17, 2010

And the adventure continues...

Ok, so it's been almost a month since I've been in Argentina! I can't believe how fast time flies by! El tiempo vuele!! I just finished (yesterday) my intensive month class of spanish. It's funny because they don't have letter grades here. They use numbers (ie: from 1 to 10). A 4 is passing, so they don't exactly correlate numerically with our percentages either. However, needless to say I passed my course with flying colors (I got a 9!). It's a shame my grades don't transfer though, but at least I can say I learned a ton of grammar! Grammar that I haven't learned since my junior year of high school, so it was nice to review everything before jumping into the semester.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

First week in South America!

Hello everyone! I've decided to start writing a blog to keep everyone in the loop because I still only have very limited access to internet. I really don't know how I've survived these past 3 weeks without internet in my apartment, but at the same time it is kind of nice to not have that distraction, especially in a new and exciting place!