Otra vez no tengo palabras. Podría empezar a describir los últimos meses (Ha pasado 5 meses! No lo puedo creer!), pero no podría aguantarlo en este momento porque me pone muy triste. Tampoco no quiero irme de Argentina (pues en realidad, no quiero irme de suramérica), pero he tomado en cuenta que con el fin de cualquier cosa empieza otra cosa. Gracias a Dios por darme esa oportunidad porque nunca la voy a olvidar. Era la experiencia más increíble de mi vida y voy a extrañar mucho este país y todos que conocí acá (amigos, porteños, ISA, y especialmente mi mamá) como no creerías! Hay que aprovechar los últimos días!! Aquí está una lista de mis memorias favoritas.
Kathy's Top 10
1. favorite experience in BA: Every day is a new and exciting adventure, but I have to say that my favorite experience in the city was going to the Argentina/Spain soccer game. Vamos, vamoooo Argentina!!!
2. favorite spot in the city: Besides school (chiste!), I love love love just walking around in Puerto Madero!
3. favorite sight outside of the BA: This is a 3-way tie, just because there is no other way! Glaciers of Patagonia, Iguazú Falls, Salt flats in Bolivia. That's a hefty list right there :-)
4. favorite vacation: Wow. This is a toughie. I'm pretty sure that my rapidly approaching trip to Iguazú, Rio, and Machu Piccu will win the grand prize after all is said and done. HOWEVER, as of now I have to say Chile was my favorite trip! I had an incredible time there, and I will never forget the fond memories I have of that week! I may or may not be planning to return there very soon!!!
5. favorite class: Does this make me a nerd? No importa. Cine Latinoamericano tops this list (although tango is a close second!). There's nothing like watching movies in class every day, and also feeling the sense of accomplishment when you can understand them WITHOUT subtitles :-)
6. favorite ice cream place: Aint nobody got nothin on Perte!!! My dearest apologies to Volta....
7. favorite night out: Argentina does it big every night, and I have a ton of hilarious experiences here. However, no one celebrates día del niño like Paraguay does, and I don't think anything can ever top that ridiculous night.
8. favorite Argentine meal: I'm more than satisfied with some good old milanesa (de POLLO) napolitana and some papas fritas. But, I prefer to eat at the casa of Ivonne every night because she is the best cook I know!!!!!!!
9. favorite aspect of the Argentine culture: Easy, their ability to be on time. Haha I'm obviously kidding about that one. I love that everyone is extremely friendly, but my favorite aspect is their love for their country, soccer team, and mate.
10. favorite daredevil experience: Oh yes, I've had quite a few of these considering crossing the street is dangerous here haha. Drumroll.... the winner goes to horseback riding in the sand dunes in Chile! Definitely the most exhilirating thing I've ever done, although jumping off a CLIFF in the jungle in Paraguay is a close second. And for the record, I'd like to say thank you to the Ritoque Excursions of Valparaíso, Chile for allowing me to skip the basic level of horseback riding and go straight to the advanced b level. Besides, who needs a beginner course when you're running down a mountain anyway?? :-) Champ status. That's all I'm going to say. Shout out to my champ status buddy!
Hoy es mi última noche con todos mis amigos y obvio la voy a disfrutar mucho aunque tengo una sencación demasiada agridulce. Les digo más sobre mi viaje cuando regrese a los estados unidos!!!!
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