Saturday, August 3, 2013

Hasta que todo el mundo escuche

This is by far the toughest blogpost I have written. I've been staring at this screen for the past 45 minutes trying to figure out how to even start to write about the awesome experience I just had in Africa. What a humbling and gratifying two weeks. I feel really blessed to have had this opportunity. When I last wrote in this blog, the thought of visiting Africa seemed like a far off dream. Sure, I had mildly entertained the idea when I read a blogpost from one of my co-workers, but at the time I was still off adventuring in Spain and didn't give it much thought. Needless to say the seed was planted and that whole "not giving it too much thought" lasted all of about 2.5 seconds once I got home to the States. This really shouldn't surprise anyone at this point!

June 30th I took off for a little African adventure to Maputo, Mozambique.